Daime Prayers


Daime Prayers

Sign of the Cross
(With your right thumb, make the sign of the cross on your forehead while saying) By the sign of the Holy Cross
(On your mouth while saying) Deliver us God, our Lord
(And on your chest while saying) From our enemies

(Then, with your right hand, touch your forehead as you say) In the name of the Father,
(Your chest as you say) the Son,
(And your left and then right shoulders as you say) and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, throughtout all the ages. Amen.
Pelo sinal da Santa Cruz

Livrai nos Deus, nosso Senhor

Dos nossos inimigos.

Em nome do Pai, do filho e do Espírito Santo. Amém.

Gloria ao Pai, ao Filho, e ao Espírito Santo.

Assim como era no princípio, agora, e sempre, por todos os séculos dos séculos. Amém
O My Jesus
O my Jesus, forgive me, and save me from the fire of hell.

Lead all souls into heaven and especially help those in most need.
Ó meu Jesus, perdoai-me, livrai-me do fogo do inferno.

Levai as almas todas para o céu e socorrei principalmente aqueles que mais presisarem.
Our Father
Our Father who art in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Let us go unto Thy Kingdom
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread, Lord
Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
Let us not fall, Lord, into temptation
But deliver me and defend me, Lord, from all evil

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Pai Nosso que estás no céu
Santificado seja o Vosso nome
Vamos nós ao Vosso reino
Seja feita a vossa vontade
Assim na terra como no céu
O pão nosso de cada dia nos dai hoje, Senhor
Perdoai as nossas dívidas assim como nós perdoamos os nossos devedores
Não nos deixeis, Senhor, cair em tentação
Mas livrai-me e defendei-me, Senhor, de todo mal

Jesus, Maria, José
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with Thee.
Blessed art Thou amongst women!
Blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray to God for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Ave Maria, cheia de graça.
O Senhor é convosco.
Bendita sois Vós entre as mulheres.
Bendito é o fruto do Vosso ventre, Jesus.

Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus, rogai a Deus por nós, pecadores, agora e na hora da nossa morte.

Jesus, Maria, José
Hail Holy Queen
God hail Thee, oh Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope, hail! To Thee, do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to Thee, do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, our Advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this exile, show unto us Jesus. Blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, oh Clement, oh Merciful, oh Sweet, Ever Virgin Mary!

Pray to God for us, Most Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of attaining the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Amen. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Deus Vós salve, oh! Rainha, Mãe de Misericórdia, vida, doçura, esperança nossa, salve! A Vós bradamos, os degredados filhos de Eva, e a Vós suspiramos, gemendo, e chorando neste vale de lágrimas. Eia pois, Advogada nossa, esses Vossos olhos misericordiosos a nós volveis, e depois deste desterro mostrai-nos Jesus. Bendito é o fruto do Vosso ventre, oh! Clemente, oh! Piedosa, oh! Doce, Sempre Virgem Maria!

Rogai a Deus por nós, Santíssima Mãe de Deus, para que sejamos dignos de alcançar as promessas de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, Senhor nosso.

Amém. Jesus, Maria, José
Praised be God
May our Mother, the Most Holy Mary, be forever praised above all humanity.
Para que sempre seja louvada a nosssa Mãe, Maria Santíssima, sobre toda a humanidade.
Key of Harmony
I wish Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice to all my brothers and sisters. With the united forces of the silent vibrations of our thoughts, we are strong, healthy and happy, thus forming a link of universal fraternity.

I am happy and at peace with the whole universe, and I wish that all beings achieve their most intimate aspirations.

I give thanks to my invisible Father for having established Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice among all His children.

So be it, Amen
Desejo Harmonia, Amor, Verdade e Justiça a todos os meus irmãos. Com as forças reunidas das silenciosas vibrações dos nossos pensamentos, somos fortes, sádios e felizes, formando assim um elo de fraternidade universal.

Estou satisfeito e em paz com o universo inteiro e desejo que todos os seres realizem as suas aspirações mais intímas.

Dou graças ao Pai invisível por ter estabelecido a Harmonia, o Amor, a Verdade e a Justiça entre todos os seus filhos.

Assim seja, Amém.
Prayer of Carita
God, Our Father, who is all Power and Goodness, give strength to those who are going through their trials.
Give light to those who are seeking truth.
Put compassion and charity in the hearts of all people.
God, give the traveler the guiding star;
the afflicted consolation;
the sick rest.
Father, give the guilty repentance;
the spirit truth;
the child a guide;
the orphan a father.
Lord, may Your goodness extend over all that You created.
Mercy, Lord, on those who don't know You. Hope, for those who suffer.

May Your goodness allow the consoling spirits to spread everywhere peace, hope and faith.

God, a ray, a spark of Your love can set the earth ablaze. Let us drink in the fountain of that fertile and infinite goodness, and all the tears will be dried and all the pains will be soothed.

One single heart, one single thought will rise up to You, like a cry of recognition and of love.
Like Moses on the mountain, we await you with open arms, oh Power, oh Goodness, oh Beauty, oh Perfection, and we want, in some way, to deserve Your infinite mercy!

God, give us the strength to help our progress in order for us to rise up to You.
Give us pure Charity; give us Faith and Reason. Give us the simplicity that will make our souls the mirror where Your image must be reflected.
Deus, nosso Pai que sois todo Poder e Bondade, Dai a força àqueles que passam pela provação.

Dai a luz àquele que procura a verdade.
Ponde no coração do homem a compaixão e a caridade.
Deus! Dai ao viajor a estrela guia;
ao aflito, a consolação;
ao doente, o repouso!
Pai, dai ao culpado, o arrependimento;
ao espírito a verdade;
à criança, o guia;
ao orfão, o pai!
Senhor, que a Vossa bondade se estenda sobre tudo que criastes.
Piedade, Senhor, para aqueles que Vos não conhecem. Esperança para aqueles que sofrem.

Que a Vossa bondade permita aos espíritos consoladores derramarem por toda a parte a paz, e esperança, e a fé.

Deus! Um raio, uma faísca do vosso amor pode abrasar a terra. Deixai-nos beber na fonte dessa bondade fecunda e infinita e todas as lágrimas secarão e todas as dores se acalmarão.
Um só coração, um só pensamento subirá até Vós, como um grito de reconhecimento e de amor.

Como Moisés sobre as montanhas nós Vós esperamos com os braços abertos o Poder, o Bondade, o Beleza, o Perfeição, e queremos de alguma sorte merecer a Vossa infinita misericórdia.

Deus, dai-nos a força de ajudar o progresso a fim de subir-nos até Vós.
Dai-nos a caridade pura, dai-nos a fé e a razão. Dai-nos a simplicidade que fará de nossas almas o espelho anode se deve refletir a Vossa imagem.
Apostle's Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, who was conceived through the work and grace of the Holy Spirit.
He was born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under the power of Pontius Pilate; was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into Hell; on the third day, He rose again from the dead.
He ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, from where He will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.
Creio em Deus Pai Todo-Poderoso, Criador do céu e da terra.
Creio em Jesus Cristo, um só seu Filho, Nosso Senhor, o qual foi concebido por obra e graça do Espírito Santo.
Nasceu de Maria Virgem; padeceu sob o poder de Pôncio Pilatos; foi crucificado, morto e sepultado.
Desceu aos infernos; ao terceiro dia ressurgiu dos mortos.
Subiu ao céu e está sentado à mão direita de Deus Pai Todo-Poderoso, de onde há de vir a julgar os vivos e os mortos.

Creio no Espírito Santo, na Santa Igreja, na comunhão dos santos, na remissão dos pecados, na ressurreição da carne, e na vida eterna.
Consecration of the Space

Within the Infinite Circle of the Divine Presence, which completely envelops me, I affirm that:

There is only one presence here; it is that of Harmony, which makes all hearts vibrate with happiness and joy. Whoever enters here, will feel the vibrations of Divine Harmony.

There is only one presence here; it is that of Love. God is Love which envelops all beings in a single feeling of unity. This space is filled with the presence of Love. In Love, I live, I move, and I exist. Whoever enters here, will feel the pure and holy Presence of Love.

There is only one presence here; it is that of Truth. All that exists here, all that is spoken here, all that is thought here, is the expression of Truth. Whoever enters here, will feel the Presence of Truth.

There is only one presence here; it is that of Justice. Justice reigns in this space. All acts practiced here are ruled and inspired by Justice. Whoever enters here will feel the Presence of Justice.

There is only one presence here; it is the presence of God, who is Goodness. No evil can enter here. There is no evil in God. God, who is Goodness, dwells here. Whoever enters here, will feel the Divine Presence of Goodness.

There is only one presence here; it is the presence of God, who is Life. God is the essential Life of all beings. He is the health of body and mind. Whoever enters here, will feel the Divine Presence of Life and Health.

There is only one presence here; it is the presence of God, who is Prosperity. God is Prosperity because He makes everything grow and prosper. God expresses Himself through the Prosperity of all that is carried out here in His name. Whoever enters here, will feel the Divine Presence of Prosperity and Abundance.

Through the esoteric symbol of the Divine Wings, I am in harmonious vibration with the universal currents of Wisdom, Power and Joy. The Presence of Divine Wisdom is manifested here. The Presence of Divine Joy is deeply felt by all those who enter here.

In the perfect communion between my lower self and my Higher Self, which is God in me, I consecrate this sanctuary to the perfect expression of all divine qualities, which are in me and in all beings.

The vibrations of my thoughts are the forces of God in me, which are stored here and are hence radiated to all beings, thus establishing this place as a center of giving and receiving of all that is Good, Joyful and Prosperous.


I thank You, Oh God, for this sanctuary is filled with Your Presence.

I thank You, for I live and move within You.

I thank You, for I live in Your Life, Truth, Health, Prosperity, Peace, Wisdom, Joy and Love.

I thank You, for all who enter here will feel Your Presence.

I thank You, for I am in Harmony, Love, Truth and Justice with all beings.
